Hi WinnowPro, Let's take a closer look at how Gubagoo Chat is performing on your website.

We have a recent Level-1 Audit of your chat interacting with customers on your website,
<Insert Website url>. We invite you to take a look.

Fetching your audit information


Your Level-1 Video Audit is here

Over XX minutes to answer a simple inventory question. Are your customers happy?

Here is a performance summary of your chat:

  • Speed of response: 1.5

  • Detailed inventory information: 2

  • Comparison of make, model and trim: 2

  • Alternative Vehicle suggestion: 1

As you can see, there is significant room for improvement of  your customers’ experience on your website. 

WinnowChat can help you enhance your customer engagement, generate more leads, and close more sales. Our chat experts are available to provide a free, no obligation consultation.

Click here to set up a quick 20 minute complimentary session with our team.