Micro Conversions vs. Macro Conversions

Luckily, Google Ads enables users to study their analytics, comparing metrics to determine how their ad campaigns are doing. And one way to tell if consumers are engaging with your ads is by looking at conversions.
Google defines conversions as “a completed activity, online or offline, that is important to the success of your business.” Of course, not all conversions are created equal. This metric can be divided into two categories: micro conversions and macro conversions.
Whether your brand judges its success in terms of micro conversions or macro conversions depends on what stage of your ad campaign you’re currently at.
Whether you are focused on micro or macro conversions, Winnow Digital Services can build your business a custom paid campaign strategy. Contact us for a free digital audit.
Micro Conversions
Micro conversions are essentially baby steps on the way to macro conversions. Micro conversions show that a user has taken an action but hasn’t fully committed to your primary objective yet. These smaller-scale conversions often consist of actions like subscribing to newsletters, adding products to a cart, or downloading an app.
Micro conversions are useful for brands hoping to cultivate potential leads. They also give companies an effective means of analyzing visitor behavior and seeing what sort of campaigns work best. If you’re just starting your digital advertising, optimizing micro conversions is crucial to eventually increasing macro conversions.
Macro Conversions
Macro conversions mark bigger wins for a company, indicating a user has followed the primary call to action of your advertising campaign.
If you’re an ecommerce website or online business, this almost always amounts to making a purchase. (Although depending on your company’s primary objective, macro conversions can include other actions, too.)
Measuring macro conversions is critical in determining whether your business is achieving its main goal. If this metric yields negative results, that’s a sign you should rethink your advertising at the micro-level.
Tracking Conversions
When it comes to measuring conversions, tracking micro conversions and macro conversions side by side is an ideal strategy. Since micro conversions mark milestones on the way to landing macro conversions, understanding the data for both metrics will help improve your conversion funnel overall.
Viewing progress of both types of conversions can reveal which parts of your conversion funnel are successful and which need work. It will also shine a light on what might be holding consumers back from buying your products or services. And identifying that obstacle will help your company overcome it — resulting in more macro conversions in the long run.
Starting Small
Ultimately, both types of conversions share the same final objective: increased business for your company. Since micro conversions can make or break whether potential consumers eventually buy into your main objective, however, that should be the central focus during your early stages of advertising.
Macro conversions will increase as smaller-scale actions continue to occur. Getting those potential leads to engage in the first place is the real test. Beginning to track your conversions will help you to pass it.
Whether you are focused on micro or macro conversions, Winnow Digital Services can build your business a custom paid campaign strategy. Contact us for a free digital audit.